

作为私人教练, we have a passion for exercise and a strong desire to help others reach their fitness goals to educate and empower our clients to make positive lifestyle changes. Our goal is to show them, and you, that working out really can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Our trainers come from varied backgrounds with accredited certifications through fitness organizations including ACE, NSCA, ACSM, NASM和AFAA. In addition they have passed 校园娱乐’s own strenuous development program.



步骤1: 填写 初步谘询表格

The first step of any 个人培训 package is completed by filling out and submitting a 免费的 初步谘询表格 using the link above. This non-binding form creates an opportunity for a personal trainers to learn about their potential clients, which includes sections such as the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ), 日常营养和活动习惯, 还有调度偏好. 

步骤2: 进行初步咨询

提交初步咨询申请表后, a trainer will contact you within 24-48 hours to set up a date for the 免费的 最初的咨询. The 最初的咨询 boils down to a conversation between the trainer and the client, 通过PARQ, and ensuring that both parties understand the goals and expectations of every subsequent session. Each of the trainers employed by the 健身 Department has completed various exams to obtain certifications qualifying them to work with any client imaginable, 一旦咨询结束, 下一步是设定健身评估的时间. 

步骤3: 体能评估

体能评估 serves to provide each personal trainer an opportunity to analyze a client’s ability to perform simple to mildly challenging movements, as well as record physiological data that can be referred to when tracking progress. 健身 Assessments are free and typically occur at both the start and end of a package, 中间有6到8周的间隔. Once the 健身 Assessment has concluded, the exercise sessions can properly begin!

步骤4: 会话

每次治疗持续大约一个小时, 在培训师和客户双方商定的日期和时间.



一个小时的时间包括设定目标, 健康与健身教育, programming to meet your individual needs and motivation to help you achieve your stated goals. We will be responsible for teaching proper lifting and efficient exercising techniques, in addition to adherence skills to maximize your experience in the Student Recreation Center. There are different combinations of sessions you can purchase to best fit your needs!


不想一个人锻炼? 希望你的朋友也加入到更健康的生活方式中来? 那就这么定了! You and a friend can train together, as long as you share common goals and levels of fitness.


会话 学生 教职员工 & 校友
最初的咨询 免费的 免费的
1会议 $30.00 $40.00
3会议 $60.00 $90.00
6会议 $105.00 $150.00
12个交易日 $195.00 $240.00
24日会议 $372.00 $420.00
32个会话 $480.00 $520.00
合作伙伴套餐(6) $120.00 ($10.每人每包00美元) n/a
合作伙伴套餐(12) $240.00 ($10.每人每包00美元) n/a
合作伙伴套餐(24) $480.00 ($10.每人每包00美元) n/a


Certified at the young age of 18 after completing three years of rigorous sports medicine training at Burlington County Institute Of Technology, Chike Ezenwanne成为健身行业的一股活力力量. 专门通过举重锻炼肌肉, he has sculpted and transformed numerous clients through his profound understanding of anatomy and performance optimization.

作为Ez健身的创始人, 在线健身教练业务, Chike将他的专业知识扩展到寻求变革结果的忙碌个人. 他的个性化健身计划迎合了不同的日程安排, 不仅要实现物质上的转变,还要赋予权力, 纪律, 重拾信心. With a commitment to individualized journeys and a passion for creating lasting change, Chike Ezenwanne stands as a beacon of inspiration in the realm of fitness and well-being.



因为足球和网球,我开始健身. 我在2021年左右开始练举重,因为我想减肥. I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle with weight loss, as I lost 55 pounds myself. 我热衷于帮助别人实现他们的目标,过上更健康的生活. 我知道网上有很多信息, 但很难知道什么是准确的,什么是不准确的. 我可以帮你找到正确的信息来帮助你实现你的目标.

我一直喜欢随着音乐起舞,积极参加学校的运动队, 是篮球吗, 排球, 和垒球! 我高中的时候会在YouTube上看舞蹈健身视频, and really enjoyed the idea that fun dances could be an excellent and engaging way to exercise! 有一次我来到密歇根州立大学, 我参加了各种小组练习课程, 我知道这就是我想从事的职业! 从大三开始, I have been creating routines for my new position in the fitness department in the rec center. 现在做了一年多的舞蹈健身教练, 我开始享受常规的创作过程, 教学过程, 以及帮助他人更多地参与到娱乐中心的能力, 并通过我的课程找到改善他们健康的方法!

我已经得到了我的CPT, 我很高兴能将我的指导能力扩展到个人训练, 为了更好地帮助那些正在寻找有趣和有条理的锻炼的人, 并在健身房学习新的方法来提高自己和他们的信心!

怎么了, my name is Trey and I’m a Certified Personal Trainer here at the Student Recreation Center! I’m a junior and an Exercise Science major with hopes of eventually becoming an Athletic Trainer for a professional sports team. 我总是在SRC附近工作或锻炼, 所以如果你经常见到我,不要惊讶. 健身 has been a part of my life for a long time and continues to impact me on a daily basis. I want to take my knowledge and experiences that I’ve been through in my fitness journey and share it with as many people as possible. 人们对去健身房和去健身房的人有很多偏见, so one of my goals is to break those ideas down and introduce you into a community that can be very encouraging and helpful, 不像通常包装得那么差. My personal training philosophy is centered around the client and creating a positive experience that can be built upon and promotes self-efficacy. One of the things I always say is “I won’t make you do something that I wouldn’t do myself!”

我是一名运动科学专业的大三学生. 获得美国国家运动医学学会私人教练认证, I have the knowledge how to optimize training for any type of individual with any goal in mind. I have had experience in a diverse variety of settings such as rehabilitation in the physical therapy field as well as the field of fitness and 强度 training. 作为一名狂热的举重运动员,我自己也在不断地应用新的健身趋势, 研究, 将现代的不断发展的知识运用到我自己的训练体系中, I look to apply and share these methods to any client no matter where they are on their fitness journey. I find that the inspiration to explore the capabilities of the human body and the desire to stay 纪律d is contagious. 我欢迎所有的人,无论目标是什么, 无论是减肥, 肥大, 强度, 所有其他目标都包含在广泛的身体健康范围内. 用我的三次大提升, 总共一千多英镑, 我现在喜欢训练深蹲, 板凳上, 和硬举!



我第一次接触健身是因为我过去参加的运动. I wanted to get better and gradually got more invested in how to train for these sports. This interest grew when I started working at the recreation center and found out that I could be a personal trainer. I thought about how I could learn more and help my family and friends understand and be more involved with their fitness if I go through with this and here I am!